កិច្ចប្រជុំប្រចាំត្រីមាសរបស់គណកម្មាធិការនៃមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលភាសា អេ អាយ អាយ និង សាលារៀនអន្តរទ្វីបអាមេរិកាំង

The 1st Aii and AIS Quarterly Meeting The Quarterly meeting of Aii and AIS Academic Committee has completed on January 26, 2022. Neak Oknha Mengly J. Quach, MD, MPH, Founder, Chairman, and CEO shared his gratitude to the board of trustees, Senior Management, General committee, Teachers, and Staff. The dedication and thrive have led MJQE…

ការប្រកួត​បញ្ចេញសំឡេងភាសាអង់គ្លេស​ ​ម៉េងលី​ ​ជេ.​ ​គួច​ ​លើកទី៨

The 8th Mengly J. Quach Pronunciation Contest Almost everyone is eager to explore their boundaries and expand their horizons and most specifically they prefer to showcase their skills to the world. The 8th Mengly J. Quach Pronunciation Contest provided a myriad of opportunities for students at Aii Language Center, a platform for them to demonstrate…

ការប្រកួតសរសេរអត្ថបទជាភាសាអង់គ្លេស ម៉េងលី ជេ. គួច លើកទី១

The 1st Mengly J.Quach Essay Writing Contest Winning any competition is the most wonderful accomplishment in life. It is an energizing time throughout life. There is no substitute for diligent work, and it is a sweet fruit of your diligent work. As well, celebration joys and bliss exceed all limits. Thus, give yourselves a big…

សិក្ខាសាលាស្តីពី “ការបង្រៀនសំណេរឱ្យកាន់តែគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍”

Workshop: Teach Writing Like a Pro Fostering student engagement in writing requires teaching techniques and strategies. On January 30, 2021, 70 teachers who are teaching at various levels at Aii Language Center joined a workshop entitled «Teach Writing like a Pro» to learn fun and engaging strategies in teaching writing to implement in their classrooms.

កិច្ចប្រជុំជាមួយលោកគ្រូ អ្នកគ្រូជាតិ និងជនជាតិបរទេស លោកគ្រូ អ្នកគ្រូភាសាចិន សម្រាប់ឆ្នាំ១៦ វគ្គ៦៤

Open Discussion for National and Expatriate ESL and CSL Teachers Year 16 Term 64 On Saturday, March 07, 2020, Aii Language Center arranged a meeting with our national and expatriate ESL teachers, CSL teachers, TSL Teachers, and other staff to discuss some issues and updated information in the Sov Hong Kuy Auditorium, Lim Kim Noy…

សិក្ខាសាលារបស់ Oxford University Press ស្តីពីជំនាញក្នុងសតវត្សរ៍ទី២១ និង CLIL (Content and Langugae Integrated Learning)

Oxford University Press Workshop on the 21st Century Skills and CLIL Oxford University Press Workshop on the 21st Century Skills and CLIL with Mr. Oliver Bayley as facilitator and speaker on February 3, 2020 at the Sov Hong Kuy Auditorium, 17th Floor Lim Kim Noy Tower, Mao Tse Tong Campus