Open Field Study to SOSORO Museum for GEP12_CCV

Open Field Study to SOSORO Museum for GEP12_CCV On Friday, October 27, 2023, Aii Language Center, Chroy Chongva Campus coordinated a Community Project: Open Field Study to SOSORO Musuem for GEP12 students. Along the visit, students get to learn a lot histry regarding the economy in Cambodia. It is really amazing upon seeing our students…

Student Learning Conference for Level 12 Students

Student Learning Conference for Level 12 Students On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, Aii Language Center Chroy Chongva Campus conducted a Student Learning Conference for Level 12 Students. Presentations are an effective way for students to practice and improve their language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, discourse, phonology, and speaking. In this event, we believe that our…

Charity Concert at Aii CCV!

Charity Concert at Aii CCV! Education doesn’t refer to only the knowledge we provide to students but it should also be the involvement extracurricular activities at school which help them to learn and figure out their talents. This charity concert teaches students to be more responsible and see the value of helping others. The proceeds…

Level 8 Basic Presentation

Level 8 Basic Presentation Basic presentation benefits students in many significant ways. It is a step forward for everyone to be able to express themselves in front of a group of people. In this event, the presenters will be able to learn how to be well-prepared and work with others as well. It is a…